I am sorry. Apparently climate change and all the associated problems we have in the world today are my fault! Mea culpa.
I did think for a moment that perhaps it was the big business interests that are doing the damage, but no, it is all me. So, sorry about that, but at least the big polluters are off the hook.
I shouldn’t have gotten ahead of myself, and viewed things so simplistically. I was trying to convince myself of the folly of pursuing endless growth and profits over the long term survival. More stupidly, I was under the misapprehension that a dirty great coal fired power generator might not be such a good idea, and that perhaps the big polluters could get really serious about shutting that sort of stuff down and just head in the right direction of sustainability. Meanwhile, there I was, just making the situation worse! If only I had known this earlier!
How do I know this? Well, I saw it on the TV. I see it on the TV all the time. What I should do to save the planet. I can make a difference, you see. Little old me, one person, not the big companies, or the massive polluters, or the huge carbon intensive industries, but me.
I have now seen the light, though, and will do my best to change my ways. I’ll put in power saving light bulbs (to help save money AND the planet!! Yippee!), run my aircon at 24 degrees Celsius (to help save money AND the planet!), keep my tires at a good inflation (to use a fraction less petrol and save money AND the planet!), etc, etc. Of course, the electricity I am using will still come from a dirty unsustainable producer, but is that their fault? I am the one buying it in the first place, right? I can choose not to use electricity at all, not use petrol at all, only associate with ‘green’ organisations! And because if I don’t, it is completely and utterly and undeniably my fault that there are even organisations out there that continue to do things the bad old way. And when I do this stuff, and make the little changes that can save me money AND the planet, well, I feel for the big guys, because my actions are going to have such a massive impact that they will have to change their ways!
You utter bastard!