Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Zombie Apocalypse? Not again!

Apocalyptic, Dystopian, Pre and Post-Apocalyptic, Pre Dystopian, etc etc.. If you believe what you see on the TV screen, a zombie apocalypse is coming and not just to a theatre near you!

We humans have a fascination with the undead. Always have and always will apparently. From vampires to werewolves to ghosts and ghouls, the undead are always in the back of the collective consciousness somewhere.

And so to the zombie apocalypse.

It is coming in all its forms and the preppers are getting ready. Stockpiling goodies and guns to ride out the matinee horror fest until the theatre is empty and the candy bar well and truly raided.

But I fear it is too late. I fear that the dreaded zombie apocalypse has already snuck up behind us and taken over without so much as a moan. Vast hordes of undead walking the streets, looking for all the world like ordinary citizens, upstanding, mobile, not wavering in their determination to either kill us or turn us.

I see them every day. I am surprised that others don’t, but then maybe I am one of the few that is uninfected by whatever virus has worked its way into their undead brains. I recognise them by their eyes. Not alive by any sense of the word, but not yet quite dead. Undead eyes. The thousand yard stare of the veteran killer, Vaseline eyes, glassy, hooded, no emotion.

Typically wearing a suit. Typically in the inner city. Typically around the corporate death zones and high street cemeteries. Once happy children now all grown up with the life force sucked out of them, perhaps still just aware enough to realise what they have become.

Assuming you are not one of them, look around you next time you are walking the streets where you live. Can you see them? Don’t worry, they can’t see you. They can only see what the virus in their brains wants them to see, and I can guarantee you it isn’t you. It’s the next deal, the billable hour, the next big thing. It’s the overwhelming need to impress the other zombies, and feel superior to you (even though you are invisible! The irony!). It is the new car, the hope that the latest gadget will fulfil its advertised promise and make them happy and content, finally ending the endless insatiable miserable life-destroying craving for more, more, more.

Yes, I fear that the zombie apocalypse is already here. And it has infected all levels of society, leaving no-one immune.

So, bring on the next wave. The stumbling, rotting fleshed, brain eating zombies of our imaginations.

I have survived this one long enough, and I am actually looking forward to next. Because at least when it hits there will be no ramifications for putting a bullet between their eyes and putting them out of their misery.

Another zombie apocalypse? Bring it on!